Sunday, October 4, 2009

Q&A to begin...

Q: Why is your team name Troy Aikman... are his is Dallas Cowboys... are you a cowboys fan?
A: Absolutely not. But the guy who started this league is a Cowboys fan. Are thoughts are to go all out in honoring his shitty team. Also, if we win we're happy because we win but if we lose we're happy because either Troy Aikman or the Dallas Cowboys lost. Nuff said.

Q: What are your two records?
A: I am 3-0, and Noah is 2-1. Of course after this blog is completed it will be 4-0 to 2-2.

Q: Do you really think this counts as a blog, Dru?
A: Absolutely it does... it could never be maintained unless I became a football player and beat the Dallas Cowboys, but boy oh boy will it be exciting today.

Q: Where are you watching the games?
A: Upper East Side. Also known as shitty neighborhood that I don't like... but then again my team name is Troy Aikman.

Q: Who is on team Troy Aikman?
A: Good question. My team is as follows:

Drew Brees, NO QB
Chris Johnson, Ten RB
Joseph Addai, Ind RB
Knowshon Moreno, Den RB
Roy E. Williams, Dal WR
Donald Driver, GB WR
Devin Hester, Chi WR
John Carlson, Sea TE
Vikings D/ST, Min D/ST
Nate Kaeding, SD K

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